Payday Loans

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5 Resource(s) Found

Borrower Beware: The High Cost of Payday and Auto Title Lenders, Pawnbrokers and Rent-To-Own Stores

This fact sheet describes the high cost of different kinds of small loans - payday loans, pawning your car's title, and renting-to-own a TV, stereo, furniture or appliances. (You must have a PDF reader on your computer to open this document. To get Adobe’s PDF Reader, click on the Get Adobe Reader icon to download.)

Credit Cards and Consumer Loans

Website containing information about many consumer issues, including advance-fee loans; home equity loans and common home equity scams; co-signing a loan; payday loans; and more.

Debt Collection Videos

If you have received court papers from someone who says you owe them money, these videos explain what to expect.

Borrower Beware: The High Cost of Payday and Auto Title Lenders, Pawnbrokers and Rent-To-Own Stores

This fact sheet describes the high cost of different kinds of small loans - payday loans, pawning your car's title, and renting-to-own a TV, stereo, furniture or appliances. (You must have a PDF reader on your computer to open this document. To get Adobe’s PDF Reader, click on the Get Adobe Reader icon to download.)

Debt Collection Videos

If you have received court papers from someone who says you owe them money, these videos explain what to expect.

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