This section of AlabamaLegalHelp.org has information and resources about adoption in Alabama.
Adoption Checklist - A Guide for You and Your Family on the Adoption Process
Adoption is defined as the legal and social process by which a child born to one set of parents becomes the child of another parent or parents. The decision to adopt is a very important one and should be based on clear and accurate information. The Department of Human Resources has the responsibility of securing adoptive homes for children in foster care who become available for adoption through termination of parental rights.
Adoption Options: Where Do I Start?
This factsheet is an introduction to the many pathways to building your family through adoption. It provides a basic understanding of the different types of adoption and guides readers to relevant resources. It includes different types of adoption, State laws governing adoption, choosing an agency or adoption services provider, completing the home study, being matched with a child, and completing the necessary legal documents. Also in Spanish/Español
Are You Pregnant and Thinking About Adoption?
This website has information about different legal options if you are pregnant and want to consider adoption.
The Adoption Home Study Process
Information on what is involved in the home study, a process that all persons must go through if they want to adopt a child in the United States. Read this to learn about understanding the home study, required documents and other items, questions you may be asked, and home study fees.