
Self Help Legal Information

Other Families Problems

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Answer to Divorce Complaint

PS-21: This form can be used by the Defendant in a Divorce to Answer the Complaint.

Divorce Complaint

PS-08: This form can be used to file for Divorce when there are NO minor children and NO assets or debts for the Court to divide.

Plaintiff's Testimony

PS-09: Form to be used for the Plaintiff's Testimony in a Divorce when there are NO minor children and NO assets or debts for the Court to divide.

Request for Divorce Judgment by Default

PS-10: Form to be used to Request a Default Judgment in a Divorce when there are NO minor children and NO assets or debts for the Court to divide.

Request to Continue Trial

PS-18: Form to be used to request to continue or postpone or "put off" a trial.

Child Support and Alimony from Military Personnel and Department of Defense Employees

Information about garnishing the pay of active, reserve, and retired members of the military and the pay of civilian employees of the Federal government for payment of child and/or spousal support.

Formularios de Autoayuda En Español

Aquí usted puede encontrar los formularios rellenables sobre los desalojos, custodia de los hijos, divorcio y más.

Legal Aspects of Divorce

How do I get a divorce? What are "grounds for divorce"? What are "non-contested" divorces? What about child custody, visitation and child support issues? Read this brochure for answers to these questions and much more. Also in Spanish/Español (You must have a PDF reader on your computer to open this document. To get Adobe’s PDF Reader, click on the Get Adobe Reader icon to download.)

Uniformed Services Former Spouses' Protection Act

Frequently asked questions about the Uniformed Services Former Spouses' Protection Act.

Child Support and Alimony from Military Personnel and Department of Defense Employees

Information about garnishing the pay of active, reserve, and retired members of the military and the pay of civilian employees of the Federal government for payment of child and/or spousal support.

Save Those Papers!

In order to protect your rights, you may need to use papers others have given you. This fact sheet tells you what papers you should save.

Uniformed Services Former Spouses' Protection Act

Frequently asked questions about the Uniformed Services Former Spouses' Protection Act.

Divorce and Domestic Violence in Alabama: Answers to Some Common Questions

This article gives answers to some of the questions many divorce clients ask. It gives information about where and when to file divorce and about Protection Orders and Restraining Orders.

Family Mediation: Parenting, Divorce and Post Divorce Issues

What is family mediation? Why use mediation for parenting, divorce and post divorce issues? How does mediation work? How much does it cost? What is a mediator's role? Find answers to these questions and more in this brochure. (You must have a PDF reader on your computer to open this document. To get Adobe’s PDF Reader, click on the Get Adobe Reader icon to download.)

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