
Self Help Legal Information

Other Families Problems

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Answer to Divorce Complaint

PS-21: This form can be used by the Defendant in a Divorce to Answer the Complaint.

Divorce Complaint

PS-08: This form can be used to file for Divorce when there are NO minor children and NO assets or debts for the Court to divide.

Plaintiff's Testimony

PS-09: Form to be used for the Plaintiff's Testimony in a Divorce when there are NO minor children and NO assets or debts for the Court to divide.

Request for Divorce Judgment by Default

PS-10: Form to be used to Request a Default Judgment in a Divorce when there are NO minor children and NO assets or debts for the Court to divide.

Request to Continue Trial

PS-18: Form to be used to request to continue or postpone or "put off" a trial.

Legal Aspects of Divorce

How do I get a divorce? What are "grounds for divorce"? What are "non-contested" divorces? What about child custody, visitation and child support issues? Read this brochure for answers to these questions and much more. Also in Spanish/Español (You must have a PDF reader on your computer to open this document. To get Adobe’s PDF Reader, click on the Get Adobe Reader icon to download.)

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