Food Stamps (SNAP)

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Are You Eligible for SNAP (Food Stamps)?

This Pre-Screening Tool can be used to determine if you may be eligible to receive SNAP (Food Stamp) benefits. This Pre-Screening Tool is not an application for SNAP. An application for SNAP benefits must be made at your local SNAP Office.

Find Your Local Alabama SNAP (Food Stamps) Office

This website will help you find the SNAP (Food Stamp) office nearest you.

Food Assistance Program (SNAP) Eligibility Requirements

Households applying for or receiving food assistance benefits must meet all applicable eligibility requirements based on food assistance policies. Time limits and requirements of other programs do not affect a household's eligibility for food assistance benefits. A household may still qualify for food assistance benefits even if eligibility ends in another program. Households must cooperate with the agency in establishing eligibility for food assistance. Failure to meet these requirements can result in a denial or termination of the food assistance case. Also in Spanish/Español (You must have a PDF reader on your computer to open this document. To get Adobe’s PDF Reader, click on the Get Adobe Reader icon to download.)

Food Stamps Frequently Asked Questions

Includes: How do I apply for food stamps? What do I need to bring to the interview? How long does it take to process my application? How do I use food stamps to buy food?

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): Fact Sheet on Resources, Income and Benefits

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP is the new name for the Food Stamp Program. By going to this website, you can get current food stamp income limits. Note that it has different limits for disabled and elderly people. The website also shows the largest amounts families can get in food stamps. To get these amounts of food stamps, families have to have no income or very little income. Please note: This website talks about counting cars toward the resource limit. In Alabama, cars do not count.

Are You Eligible for Any Goverment Benefits?

Enter information into this website and it will give you a report on benefits you may be eligible to receive in Alabama. Also in Spanish/Español

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