Food Stamps (SNAP)

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Food Stamp Application for Seniors

This is a simpler application for food assistance for households where everyone is elderly (age 60 or older) and have no earned income.

Food Stamp Households

What is a Food Stamp Household? Can one house have two or more food stamp households? Can my children live with me and be a separate household? Answers to these questions and more are in this factsheet.

Save Those Papers!

In order to protect your rights, you may need to use papers others have given you. This fact sheet tells you what papers you should save.

SNAP (Food Stamps) for Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents

Information regarding the new time limit for Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDs) to receive SNAP (Food stamps).

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): Fact Sheet on Resources, Income and Benefits

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP is the new name for the Food Stamp Program. By going to this website, you can get current food stamp income limits. Note that it has different limits for disabled and elderly people. The website also shows the largest amounts families can get in food stamps. To get these amounts of food stamps, families have to have no income or very little income. Please note: This website talks about counting cars toward the resource limit. In Alabama, cars do not count.

The Food Stamp Program: Just the Facts

The Food Stamp Program helps low income people buy food. This document answers questions about how to apply, how many food stamps you can receive, work requirements, reporting requirements and your rights under the program. Links to the Online Alabama Food Stamp Application - in English and Spanish/Español - are included.

Are You Eligible for Any Goverment Benefits?

Enter information into this website and it will give you a report on benefits you may be eligible to receive in Alabama. Also in Spanish/Español

Don't Miss Out!!! Take Advantage of All the Benefits Available to You

Should you be getting child support? Do you qualify for food stamps? Can your children get free or low-cost health insurance? Can you get a lower telephone bill? Do you need help filing your income taxes? Read this for information about 10 often-overlooked benefits available to many low-income people.

Food Stamp Application for Seniors

This is a simpler application for food assistance for households where everyone is elderly (age 60 or older) and have no earned income.

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