Adult Name Changes in Alabama

Authored By: Legal Services Alabama and Magic City Legal Center


In Alabama, you must be 19 or older to legally change your name. Probate Court has original jurisdiction over all matters regarding name changes. Each county in Alabama has a probate court, with the exception of Jefferson County, which has two.  

A Petition for Name Change must be filed with the court in the county in which the Petitioner (the person filing the petition) resides.

There may be filing fees of approximately $25-$100 dollars set by the court, and many counties require background checks, which also have an additional cost. The most commonly required background checks are an Alabama Criminal History Record (ALEA Report, linked below) and an FBI background check.  

The Court has discretion to grant or refuse the requested change of name. 


You will need: 

  • A copy of your Driver's License or Government-issued ID (be sure to copy both front and back)
  • A certified copy of your Birth Certificate 
  • Two forms of proof of residency, with your name and address (examples: mails, bills, mortgage, lease, voter registration)
  • Name Change Petition signed and notarized (linked below as "Form PS-12")

Form PS-12: Request to Change Name

Last Review and Update: Nov 03, 2022
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