SSI & Fleeing Felons
Can fleeing felons receive SSI?
NO. Social Security started cutting fleeing felons off in 2000. You will not receive SSI or Medicaid if you are fleeing to avoid:
- Trial on a felony charge
- Jail or prison after conviction of a felony
- Custody after a conviction of a felony
- Probation as a sentence of a felony
- Fine as a result of a felony conviction
Bench warrant resulting from non-appearance
If the Social Security Administration stops your SSI saying you are a fleeing felon, what can you do?
First, file for reconsideration. If you file in ten days, your checks keep coming.
Ask Social Security for a copy of the arrest warrant or other paper.
Call the Public Defender's office for the place where the warrant comes from.
See if the case has been or can be dropped.
Learn if the warrant against you is for Escape, Flight to Avoid OR Flight-Escape. If it is not for one of these, the Social Security Administration should not stop your check.
Call Legal Services for advice and possible help: 1-866-456-4995
What if the Social Security Administration said I was a fleeing felon and stopped my SSI a few years ago?
You may get a check to make up the SSI you missed.
Make sure that the Social Security Administration has your current address.
Check with the Social Security Administration to see if they will start your check back.
Reviewed October 2009 offers legal information, not legal advice. This website provides information on your rights and options. However, the site does not apply the law to your personal facts. For legal advice, you should call a lawyer. To apply for free legal services in Alabama, call the Legal Services Alabama office that is closest to where you live OR call toll-free 1-866-456-4995. You can also apply online HERE.